** Try to leave your rig on the network for a few days if possible to help strengthen and grow the pool! **
Flux Mining Pool

NO POOL FEES | Middle of the World Location

0 Miners
0.00 Sol/s
EASY CONNECT .BAT STRING --algo 125_4 --server --user walletID.RIG01
Mining Quickstart
Start Mining Today
1. Download An Offical Wallet
The first step to mining is to download and create a wallet. Visit the coins official github or website to download a wallet of your choice.
2. Create A Receiving Address
Launching your wallet will begin the syncing process. Create a receiving address for the coin you mine. You can create more than one address.
3. Download A Miner
The miner is the program that does all of the work. We recommend miners like Gminer, however there are many different options available.
4. Setup/Edit Starting .bat File
Edit the batch (.bat) file with the proper startup script. An example T-rex startup script is shown above. Run the batch file to start mining!
Example .bat Startup Scripts
miner.exe --algo 125_4 --server --user t1W2JvfbE1ranBcPfDJ7jbuKjc4Ck8y3QyM.RIG01